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====Puppy 5.2====
====[[Puppy526 Superceded by Puppy 5.28-005]]====

[[ Exe installer file for soon to be ex-Windows users]] //[[ info]]

[[ 5.2 video at Youtube]]
Podcast: [[ OGG]] [[ MP3]]

This is *not* a crucial bug-fix update because we simply have not found enough bugs to justify that. However it does contain a few nice enhancements.
=> PupControl 1.3 by radky starts with the Setup Icon on the desktop
=> Desksetup Icon Templates by 01micko to make it easy to adjust icon placement on Desktop
=> Quickpet 4.1 - the latest version by 01micko, updates the contents of Puppy Package Manager and SFS Get - There are a lot of nice new packages available - including both LibreOffice3 3.3 and OpenOffice 3.3 prepared by jim1911
=> gparted 0.5.1 - reverted because some people had trouble - if you want 0.6.2 it is in PPM
//If you are already using PupComboPlus (which includes PupControl 1.3 and Desksetup) this will install right over it.
You can also install PupComboPlus over this update (LupuNews -> Fun tab). //

**About Puppy Lucid 5.2**

Over 3 Months in Development
Over 230 pages in the forum
Over 50 contributors
Compatible with Ubuntu packages
""QuickSet"" for point-and-click desktop configuration
[[LucidPuppyQuickpet Quickpet]] for updates, diagnostics, and package installs
Alternative window manager
Language packs for 11 different languages

"Lucid Puppy 5.2 is a Puppy through and through. What that means is that the *architecture* is pure Puppy. It just happens to be that many of the building materials (applications, utilities, libraries) are Ubuntu binaries. With Puppy founder Barry Kauler’s Woof Build System the packages could just as easily have been Slackware or Arch binaries." //Larry Short & Mick Amadio//
Puppy 5.2 uses unique Puppy scripts. Puppy loads and runs fast, entirely from Ram. Puppy has optimised programs and wizards.
Puppy 5.2 uses Puppy 'Woof' creation technology. Puppy Woof allows Puppy to be partially built from Debian and Ubuntu compiled programs and libraries. Puppy 5.2 retains the name 'Lucid Puppy' but uses added 10.10 binaries from Maverick Meerkat and programs compiled with Puppys unique devx add on.
**Using Woof, Puppy can be built with packages from almost any distro.** Wary is built with t2 binaries and is suited for older hardware. Spup uses slackware and dpup uses Debian.
All the unique underlying infrastructure and boot scripts and methodology, is in Woof. Above Woof, there is a layer of specialised system-level PETs, software packages created by Puppy users. The scripts vary in different Puppy builds. Lucid Puppy has special system-level PETs, making Lucid different from other Puppys built from Woof.
A Puppy can be built with packages of any other distro, as well as native PET application packages. Lucid Puppy 5.2 is built with Ubuntu packages, about 60% Ubuntu, 40% our PETs. Applications go on top of Woof and the system-level PET's.
Puppy can be built from major distro's packages, including Debian, [[ Slackware]] and Arch.
Internal Lucid development used the name 'Luci' and Lupu. So for example a download is called lupu-520.
With Lucid 5.2 we have upgraded, updated and improved all of the main programs. Other enhanced programs in the menu: [[quickpet]], gnome-mplayer, [[mplayer]], [[sylpheed]], [[mtpaint]], [[gnumeric]], [[abiword]], [[geany]] and system programs such as [[e2fsprogs]]. Numerous improvements come from the latest version of [[Woof]]. Sfs programs are now installable with a single click. We have a very tidy, stable and effective first-run wizard. We are still filling the Puppy Package Manager (PPM) with great programs tested and configured for Lucid 5.2. PPM includes quite a few language packs. All the easily accessible Quickpet programs are also available with even more programs in the Puppy package manager.

* Quickset on intial setup change video resolution, timezone, language/locale and keyboard (from shinobar)
* Browser Installation simplified. We have stable and also latest.
* Built from latest Woof with some Meerkat binaries
* Extensive Woof base improvements by Barry e.g. puppy package management, devx, sound, modem support
* Copies to ram on machines with 256MB ram. This enables a fast running system.
* Swap drive on hard drive enables 128 ram usage
* More Puppy optimised programs in Puppy Package Manager (from ttuuxxx and others)
* Deb compatibility enhanced
* Zip enhancements unrar & p7zipxz - (coolpup & ttuuxxx) giving us 7z, xz, and rar
* CPU Frequency Scaling is now manual (tazoc) and works for quad core (Iguleder)
* Improved regional support (shinobar)
* Firewallstate is in the tray (from tasmod)
* New backgrounds from Warren, extras for Icewm for download
* Gtk themes: clearlooks, crux, taqua, and xfce-dawn added (Warren)
* Latest Quickpet with SFS-getter from Mick
* [[WMSwitcher Window Switcher]] - Openbox and fbpanel window manager with JWM alternative
* Fluxbox, Xfce and Icewm for download, configured in window manager switcher
* Dillo Browser built in
* ""PupClockset"" time display configuration
* Network_tray icon/Blinky themes
* Cup and Help improvements
* 2fsprogs 1.12 (recommended by [[coolpup]])
* Partview 2.1 (01micko)
* Improved graphic card driver test and support in [[Quickpet]]
* Enhanced Lucid news
* [[Abiword]], Homebank, [[Gnumeric]], [[Mtpaint]], [[Sylpheed]] and [[Geany]] Help docs added
* One button development compiling module added aka [[LucidPuppySFS devx]]

**[[ Direct DOWNLOAD]]**
[[ lupu 520 iso torrent]]
[[ torrent 2]]

Lupu-520 ->
37a843833b65e8246bb08c2913b823a3 lupu-520.iso

Please get the Devx in Quickpet -> SFS Get
You should be able to 1) Quickpet -> File -> Preferences ->, and then 2) Quickpet -> SFS Get -> Gnu C Compiler lupu_devx_520.sfs You must create a lupusave.sfs file first.

Delta lupu-519 -> lupu-520

Lupu_devx_520 ->
19b0afbd87fc8cfa172a18111e95bdae lupu_devx_520.sfs

[[ Puppy Lucid Maverick youtube]]

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