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{{include pagesLucid}}
{{include includepuppy52}}

==Lucid Tips==
{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="Puppy Luci boots straight to desktop - Now what?"}}
Set locales and keyboard and other settings

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="Hey my Internet is not connected?"}}
Not using Ethernet?
Click on the connect icon
Follow the instructions

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="Which browser should I use?"}}
Lucid has the Dillo browser built in, fast and simple but without javascript
Extra downloads include stable and Beta release Browsers
Seamonkey includes an HTML editor and Email client
Opera - small and efficient with email client
Chrome - still being optimised but cutting edge
Iron - Chrome with security enhancements

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="What extra software do I need?"}}
Probably none - Puppy has loads, maybe chat and bit torrent (Transmission)
Use Quickpet and Puppy Package manager for extra software

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="Do I need a graphics driver?"}}
The GL graphic drivers for extra speed
Click on Quickpet and drivers, test for your card
Gnome-mplayer defaults now to X11 video for compatibility with all video drivers (specifically the nv driver). For higher quality, please change to the ‘xv’ driver in Edit -> Preferences. Of course, it might be good also to update to the higher performance driver in Quickpet -> Drivers.

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="Should I customise?"}}
Of course. Puppy has two Window managers
and more for download
Menu / Desktop / Desktop settings / WM Switcher

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="Do I need java?"}}
Not usually but it is available in Quickpet
Most browsers already have javascript
(a different language)

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="Should I pimp my browser?"}}
Oh yeah - they all have add ons
Have a look under Add ons in tools menu of your browser

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="How do I compile and develop in Puppy?"}}
Use [[Devx]]. Go to SFS in Quickpet and [[LucidPuppySFS click the button]]. Reboot.
You now have C, Bacon, Vala program languages and other development tools

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="How do I know what programs I have installed in Luci?"}}
Use the package manager and notice the list of installed software
Be careful now - one click and they uninstall

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="What is this Puppy called?"}}
It is called **Lucid Puppy 5.2**
During development the name Luci and Lupu was used for ISO releases
Any meerkats are a reference to 'Maverick Meerkat' Ubuntu 10:10 binaries

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="Why does Puppy run as root?"}}
Puppy users control their environment.
We are designed to load and run from USB or DVD (straight to desktop)
A root running live CD or DVD system remains MORE secure than
an accessible and hackable hard disk install
We are not designed for multi-user deployment.
With great power (over your system) comes great responsibility
(for your data).
Puppy users take charge of their computers. Are you ready?

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="So technically, Puppy is dangerous?"}}
Very. We bypass network security and firewalls
We can repair and edit other operating systems files such as Windows 7
bypassing administrator limitations
Recommended by security agencies as unhackable when running from DVD
Programs on the CD/DVD are never compromised.
With Puppy, comes great potential
in a small package

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="How can Puppy Lucid 5.2 be so small and have so many programs?"}}
We choose simple efficient programs.
Puppy is lean Linux muscle power, compressed and expanded
on the fly.
Puppy would be smaller but using convenient .deb ready compiled binaries packages
are not as efficient as Puppy compilation optimisations.
Using Ubuntu 'Maverick Meerkat' files, though convenient,
is a compromise.

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="What about tech support?"}}
Try us.
Puppy users are loyal because our forums, wikis, IRC,
blogs and web sites are constantly friendly, updated and improved

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="What about Thumbnails?"}}
Thumbnails are turned off by default. To turn them on:
Right-Click on an icon and choose Rox-Filer -> Options -> Thumbnails -> #%click box#% show image thumbnails

{{color fg="black" bg="yellow" text="How do I turn a group of pets to custom sfs?"}}
[[ pets to custom sfs]]
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