This category contains hyperlinks to pages of specific software applications which should provide access to the relevant software package.
When creating such pages include CategorySoftware at the bottom of the page so that it will appear here.

The following 764 page(s) belong to CategorySoftware

abcde [abcde] AbiWord [AbiWord] acpid [acpid] AddPanel [Add Panel to Puppy]
AdobeAir [Installing air for puppy without installing gnome] adobereader [Adobe Reader] aften [Aften] AfterStep [Afterstep]
alien2puppy [alien2puppy] Allegro [Allegro] alsa [ALSA] alsalib [alsa-lib]
alsamixer [AlsaMixer] alsaplayer [AlsaPlayer] alsautils [alsa-utils] AltDNS [AltDNS]
Amarok [Amarok] Amaya [Amaya] aMSN [a M S N] angryipscanner [angryipscanner]
Apache [Apache] aqualung [Aqualung] Arduino [Arduino] Armadillo [Armadillo]
Arora [Arora] AshCommands [Ash Commands] asunder [Asunder] aterm [aterm]
ATIdriver [A T Idriver] audacious [Audacious] audacity [Audacity] audiofile [Audio File Library]
AUFS [AUFS] Automake [Automake] avidemux [Avidemux] Ayttm [Ayttm]
Azpainter [Azpainter] Backup [Backup] BaCon [Bacon] bash [Bash]
bashburn [BashBurn] bibleanalyzer [bibleanalyzer] BibleTime [Bible Time] BIN [BIN (binary files)]
BinaryCode [Binary Code] bleachbit [Bleachbit] Blender [Blender] Bluefish [Bluefish]
bluegriffon [bluegriffon] Bombono [Bombono] BootManager [Boot Manager] Bulldog finder [Bulldog finder]
busybox [BusyBox] bzip2 [bzip2] cabextract [cabextract] cairo [cairo]
CategoryAdditionalSoftware [Category Additional Software] cclive [cclive] ccrtp [ccrtp] ccrypt [ccrypt]
cdda2wav [cdda2wav] cddiscid [cd-discid] cdparanoia [Cdparanoia] cdrdao [cdrdao]
cdrkit [cdrkit] celestia [celestia] ChatZilla [ChatZilla] chkrootkit [chkrootkit]
Chrome [Google Chrome] chromium [Chromium] cifsutils [cifs-utils] CineLerra [CineLerra]
CiWiki [CiWiki] clamav [ClamAV] Clementine [Clementine] ClipBoard [Clip Boards]
ClipIt [ClipIt] cmake [cmake] cmus [cmus] CommandLinePrograms [List of Command Line programs]
commoncpp [commoncpp] CompilingQtAndScimQtModules [Setting up Scim to work with QT Applications] CompilingScimPackages [Compiling Scim-bridge and Related Packages from Source] copy [Copy]
coreutils [CoreUtils] coverseen [coverseen] cpuid [cpuid software packages] createsfs [createsfs]
CrimsonFields [Crimson Fields] cronopete [Cronopete] csync [csync] cups [CUPS (Common Unix Print System)]
CupsPDF [Cups P D F] curl [curl] darktable [darktable] datacrow [datacrow]
dbus [dbus] dbusglib [dbus-glib] dd [dd] ddrescue [GNU ddrescue]
deadbeef [deadbeef] deb [Deb] deb2pet [deb2pet] debs2pkg [debs2pkg]
Dependency [Dependency] devede [DeVeDe] devx [devx] dhcpcd [dhcpcd]
dict [dict] DidiWiki [DidiWiki] digikam [digiKam] Dillo [Dillo]
dir2pet [dir2pet] dirac [dirac] dmidecode [dmidecode] dosfstools [dosfstools]
DoubleDOS [DoubleDOS] dri2proto [dri2proto] DropBox [DropBox] dvdauthor [DVDAuthor]
dvdmediainfo [dvdmediainfo] DVDStyler [DVDStyler] e2fsprogs [e2fsprogs] e3 [e3]
EasyDD [EasyDD] EasyOs [EasyOS] EasyPackage [EasyPackage] easytag [EasyTAG]
easywall [EasyWall] EditInitrd [Edit initrd.gz (GUI)] efax [efax] ekiga [ekiga]
ELinks [E Links] Emacs [Emacs] EMC [E M C] emelfm2 [emelFM2]
Enigma [Enigma] enigmail [Enigmail] enlightenment [Enlightenment] epdfview [epdfview]
EsFirefox [Firefox] esound [Enlightened Sound Daemon] EsTor [TOR] eSword [e Sword]
Eudora [EUDORA OSE VERSION 1.0 for Puppy!] exaile [Exaile] exif [exif] exiftool [ExifTool]
exiv2 [Exiv2] exo [exo] expat [expat] extundelete [extundelete]
faac [FAAC] faad [FAAD] fbreader [FBReader] fbxkb [fbxkb]
FFConvert [FFConvert] ffmpeg [FFmpeg] file [File] FileTypes [File Types Index]
FileZilla [FileZilla] FireDog [Firedog] firefox [Firefox] flac [FLAC]
FlashExtractor [Flash Extractor] flashrom [flashrom] flburn [flburn] FlockBrowser [Flock Browser]
fltk [fltk] fluxbox [Fluxbox] fontconfig [fontconfig] fonts [Font links]
fotoxx [Fotoxx] fox [FOX] FoxitReader [Foxit Reader] fprot [F-PROT Antivirus]
FreeCall [Free Call] freeglut [freeglut] freemind [freemind] freetype [FreeType]
Frisbee [Frisbee] fxmoviemanager [FxMovieManager] galculator [galculator] Gambas [Gambas]
gCAD3D [g C A D3 D] gcc [GNU Compiler Collection] gconf [gconf software package(s)] geany [geany]
gEDA [gEDA] Gedit [Gedit] geeqie [Geeqie] GetFlash [GetFlash]
getlibreoffice [Get LibreOffice] gettext [GNU gettext] gHasher [gHasher software package(s)] ghemical [ghemical]
Ghostscript [Ghostscript] ghunter [ghunter] GImageView [GImageView] gimp [GIMP]
Git [Git] github [GitHub] glib [glib] glibc [GlibC (GNU libc)]
Glipper [Glipper] gmeasures [gMeasures] gmp [gmp] gnash [Gnash]
GnewPet [GNewPet] GnomeMPlayer [Gnome MPlayer] GnuCash [GnuCash - financial accounting] gnumeric [gnumeric]
gnupg [GNU Privacy Guard] gnuplot [Gnuplot] gnutls [GnuTLS] goffice [goffice]
gogglesmm [gogglesmm] gongetit [GoNGetIt] GoogleEarth [Google Earth] GParted [GParted]
gphoto [gphoto] gpicview [GPicView] Grafpup [Grafpup] Grandr [Grandr]
grep [grep] GrFirefox [Firefox] Grisbi [Grisbi] grsync [gRsync]
GRUB4DOS [GRUB4DOS] Grub4DosConfig [Grub4DosConfig] GrWoof [Woof] GSmartControl [G Smart Control]
gstreamer [Gstreamer] gthumb [gThumb] gtk [GTK+] gtkam [gtkam]
gtkdialog [GtkDialog] GtkHash [GtkHash] GtkLp [GtkLp] GtkLpq [GtkLPQ]
Gtkmm [Gtkmm] GtkSpell [Gtk Spell] Gtkwialog [GtkWialog] GtkYoutubeViewer [Gtk Youtube Viewer]
gutenprint [Gutenprint] Gxine [gxine] gzip [GNU Gzip] handbrake [HandBrake]
hdparm [hdparm] Hiawatha [Hiawatha] HiawathaServerMySQL [Hiawatha Server MySQL] homebank [HomeBank]
htop [htop] httpseverywhere [HTTPS Everywhere] iCalendar [iCalendar] icecat [GNU IceCat]
icedax [icedax] icewm [IceWM] imagemagick [ImageMagick] imagination [Imagination]
imlib2 [imlib2] InkLite [InkLite] Inkscape [Inkscape] intltool [intltool]
Iperf [iperf] iptables [iptables] ISO [I S O] ISOMaster [ISO Master]
jack [JACK Jack Audio Connection Kit] JAP [JAP] jar [jar] JavaRuntimeEnvironment [Java Runtime Environment]
JoesWindowManager [JWM Installation and further information] KdenLive [Kdenlive] keepnote [KeepNote] kino [Kino]
KMyMoney [K My Money] KOffice [KOffice] krita [krita] LADSPA audio effects [L A D S P A audio effects]
lame [Lame] LazPaint [LazPaint] LazyPuppyFamily [Lazy Puppy Family] leafpad [Leafpad]
liba52 [liba52] libaacplus [libaacplus] libaacs [libaacs] libao [libao]
libasound [libasound] libass [libass] libatspi [libatspi] libaudio [libaudio]
libav [libav] libbluray [libbluray] libburn [libburn] libcddb [libcddb]
libcdio [libcdio] libdb [libdb] libdc1394 [libdc1394] libdca [libdca]
libdiscid [libdiscid] libdrm [libdrm] libdvdcss [libdvdcss] libdvdread [libdvdread]
libevent [libevent] libexif [libexif] libfaac [libfaac] libferris [References]
libffado [FFADO] libffi [libffi] libflashplayer [libflashplayer] libfontconfig [libfontconfig]
libgadu [libgadu] libgcrypt [libgcrypt] libgoffice [libgoffice] libgpgerror [libgpg-error]
libgphoto [libgphoto] libgphoto2 [libgphoto2] libgsf [libgsf] libgstinterfaces [libgstinterfaces]
libgstreamer [libgstreamer] libgtkhtml [libgtkhtml] libical [libical] libice [libice]
libiconv [libiconv software package(s)] libidn [GNU libidn] libisofs [libisofs] libjbig [libjbig]
libjpeg [libjpeg] liblrdf [liblrdf] libmac [libmac] libmad [libmad]
libmagic [libmagic] libmms [libmms] libmodplug [libmodplug] libmpg123 [libmpg123]
libnotify [libnotify] libofx [libofx] libogg [libogg] liboggz [liboggz]
liboil [liboil] libpciaccess [libpciaccess] libpixman [libpixman] libpng [libpng]
libqtcore [libqtcore] libqtgui [libqtgui] libquicktime [libquicktime] libraw [libraw]
libraw1394 [libraw1394] libreoffice [LibreOffice] librsvg [librsvg] librtmp [RTMPDump]
libsndfile [libsndfile] libsoup [libsoup] libssh2 [libssh2] libssl [libssl]
libtheora [libtheora] libtiff [libtiff] libunique [libunique] libusb [libusb]
libvoaacenc [vo-aacenc] libvorbis [libvorbis] libvpx [libvpx] libxau [libxau]
libxavs [libxavs] libxcb [libxcb] libxext [libxext] libxfce4util [libxfce4util]
libxfcegui4 [libxfcegui4] libxml2 [libxml2] libXss [lib Xss] libXt [libXt software package(s)]
libxv [libxv] LightSwordAlarm [Light Sword Alarm] LightZone [LightZone] linaroimagetools [linaroimagetools]
LINGOT [LINGOT software package(s)] linux-libre [GNU Linux-libre] LinXtris [LinXtris] littlecms [Little CMS]
lsdvd [lsdvd] lua [Lua] LucidPuppyQuickpet [Links for Lucid Quick Pet] LupufySlacko [Lupufy for Slacko]
lxdvdrip [lxdvdrip] lxml [lxml] lxmusic [LXMusic] LxRandr [LXRandR]
LXTask [LXTask] LXTerminal [L X Terminal] Lynx [Lynx] lyx [LyX]
lzip [lzip] lzlib [lzlib software package(s)] make [make] mathomatic [Mathomatic]
Maxima [Maxima] md5sum [md5sum] mdbviewerplus [mdbviewerplus] Memonaut [Memonaut]
MenuEntryMaker [MenuEntryMaker] mercurial [mercurial] mesa [Mesa] Mg [Mg]
mhwaveedit [mhwaveedit] MidnightCommander [Midnight Commander] Midori [Midori] mingetty [mingetty]
minimp3 [minimp3] MinimumProfit [Minimum Profit] Minitube [Minitube] minopsos [minopsos]
mkisofs [mkisofs] mlt [MLT] mocplayer [MOC] MoreBrowsers [More Browsers]
Mounting [Mounting] movgrab [movgrab] MP3Gain [MP3Gain] mp3splt [mp3splt]
mpg123 [mpg123] mpg321 [mpg321] mplayer [MPlayer] mplayer2 [mplayer2]
mtCellEdit [mt Cell Edit] mtPaint [mtPaint] MuseScore [Muse Score] mycrop [myCrop]
Mypaint [Mypaint] MySQL [MySql] Nano [Nano] nas [nas]
ncurses [ncurses] neroaac [Nero AAC Codec] nettle [Nettle] Newsbeuter [Newsbeuter]
Nginx [Nginx] NicoEdit [Nico Edit] nmap [Nmap] noscript [NoScript]
NoteCase [Notecase] NtEd [Nt Ed] ntfs3g [NTFS-3G] NumlockX [Numlockx]
numpy [Numpy] nut [NUT] nwipe [nwipe] OCRopus [O C Ropus]
ooo4kids [ 4 Kids] ooolight [ Light] openal [OpenAl] Openbox [OpenBox]
OpenboxExtra [OpenBox + Extras] opencards [OpenCards] opencoreamr [opencoreamr] opencpn [opencpn]
openjpeg [openjpeg] openldap [OpenLDAP] openmeetings [OpenMeetings] openoffice [OpenOffice]
openshot [openshot] OpenSSH [OpenSSH] openssl [openssl] opera [Opera]
opus [opus] opustools [opus-tools] Osmo [Osmo] p7zip [p7zip]
pacman [pacman] paco [paco software package(s)] Pango [Pango] parcellite [Parcellite]
Partclone [Partclone] parted [GNU Parted] partedmagic [PartedMagic GNU/Linux] partimage [partimage]
passwd [passwd] Pburn [Pburn] PburnOlderVersions [Pburn Older Versions] pcdripper [PCdRipper]
pcmanfm [PCManFM] PCRE [PCRE] pdf2svg [pdf2svg] PeasyPDF [PeasyPDF]
PeasyPrint [PeasyPrint] Peasyscan [PeasyScan] peazip [PeaZip] PekWM [pekwm]
Pencil [Pencil] Perl [Perl] petmaker [PetMaker] PETS2SFSGUI [PETS2SFSGUI]
Pfilesearch [pFilesearch] Pfind [Pfind] PFont2 [PFont2] photorec [photorec]
PHP [PHP] Picker [Picker] Pictureviewer [Pictureviewer] pidgin [Pidgin]
pixman [pixman] Plogo [PLogo] Pmenu [Pmenu] pmusic [About ◦ [[pmusicDoc|Documentat]
pmusicAbout [About] pmusicChangelog [Changelog] pmusicDisclaimer [Disclaimer] pmusicDoc [Documentation]
pmusicDocMetatags [Metatags] pmusicDocSearch [Searching in pMusic] pmusicFrontends [Frontends] pmusicHistory [History]
pmusicInstall [Install] poedit [Poedit] polarssl [PolarSSL] polipo [Polipo]
polp [polp] poppler [Poppler] PortaBase [PortaBase] PortAudio [Port Audio]
porteus [Porteus GNU/Linux] PPD [PPD] PPlog [pplog] PPM [Puppy Package Manager (PPM)]
Precord [Precord] PrintingViaWindows [Printing Via Windows Printer] priv3 [Priv3] procps [procps]
pstrip [pstrip] Psync [Psync] pulseaudio [PulseAudio] Pup4DOS [Boot Puppy Linux With Pup4DOS]
pupcamera [PupCamera] PupControl [PupControl] puppy-rsync [puppy-rsync] PuppyBrowser [Puppy Browser]
PuppySIP [PSIP] PuppySoftwareList [Puppy Software List] PuppyUniversalInstaller [Puppy Universal Installer] PupsaveBackup [PupSave Backup]
pvideo [pvideo] Pwidgets [pWidgets] PwidgetsWeather [Setting your location] Pwireless [Pwireless2]
PXELINUX [PXELinux] pygtk [PyGtk] python [Python] qdvdauthor ['Q' DVD-Author]
qemu [QEMU] qmake [qmake] qpdfview [qpdfview] qt [Qt]
QTractor [Qtractor] QuickPet [QuickPet/ SlickPet] quvi [quvi software package(s)] Radar [Radar]
rakarrack [rakarrack] rar [RAR] readline [readline] RealPlayer [Real Player]
RedNotebook [Rednotebook] reglookup [reglookup] remmina [Remmina] Repositories [Repositories]
Retrovol [Retrovol] Right-click menu options [Right-click menu options] ripperx [Ripperx] roaraudio [RoarAudio]
rosegarden [rosegarden] RoxAppBuilder [Rox App Builder] ROXfiler [ROX Filer] RoxMiniBuffer [ROX Filer - Mini-Buffer]
RSHsScriptBox [R S Hs Script Box] rssowl [RSSOwl] rsync [rsync] rufus [Rufus]
rwall [rwall] rxvt [Rxvt] RxvtUnicode [Rxvt-Unicode] safecopy [safecopy]
SageLivePup [Sage Live Pup] Samba [Samba] scale2x [scale2x] schroedinger [schroedinger]
SCIM [SCIM] Scribus [Scribus] scripts [scripts] SDL [sdl]
seahaven [Seahaven Towers] seamonkey [SeaMonkey] secretrabbitcode [Secret Rabbit Code] sed [sed]
SFS2PET [SFS2PET] SFSCombiner [SFS_Combiner] SFSConvertor [SFS Convertor] SFSdirloader [SFSdirloader]
SFSget [SFSget] SFSLoad [SFS_load] SfsPlus [Sfs Plus] sha1sum [sha1sum]
Shell [Shells] Shotwell [Shotwell] SimpleNetworkSetup [Simple Network Setup software package(s)] Skype [Skype]
SmillaEnlarger [Smilla Enlarger] SMPlayer [SMPlayer] SoftMakerOffice [SoftMaker Office] SoftwareAncient [Ancient Software Index]
SoftwareDesktop [Desktop Software Index] SoftwareDetails [Software Development Details] SoftwareDevelopment [Development Software Index] SoftwareDisclaimer [Software Disclaimer]
SoftwareEngineering [Engineering and Scientific Software Index] SoftwareGames [Games Software Index] SoftwareGraphics [Graphics Sofware Index] SoftwareIndex [Software Index]
SoftwareInternet [Internet Software Index] SoftwareMultimedia [Multimedia Software Index] SoftwareNetwork [Network Software Index] SoftwareOffice [Office Software Index]
SoftwarePackageCreation [Software Package Creation] SoftwareSecurity [Security Software Index] SoftwareSystem [System Software Index] SourceCode [Source Code]
sox [SoX] spacefm [SpaceFM] SpaceZero [Space Zero] sqlite [SQLite]
SQLiteStudio [S Q Lite Studio] squashfs [Squashfs] SquashfsPuppy1 [SquashFS for Puppy1] src2pkg [src2pkg]
SRWareIron [Iron Browser] Startmount [Startmount] StayConnectedToInternet [Stay Connected To Internet] stellarium [Stellarium]
strace [strace] strip [strip] SwapFileManager [Swap File Manager] Sylpheed [Sylpheed]
symlink [Symlink] syslinux [The Syslinux Project] taglib [TagLib] Tano [Tano]
tar [tar] tea [Tea] TeamSpeak [TeamSpeak] teamtalk [teamtalk]
teamviewer [About TeamViewer] ted [Ted] tellico [Tellico] TemplateSoftware [Software Package]
TesseractOCR [Tesseract O C R] testdisk [TestDisk] TexText [TexText] TextMaker [TextMaker]
tgz [Tgz] TheManaWorld [The Mana World] theWord [the Word] thoggen [thoggen]
thunar [Thunar] thunderbird [Thunderbird] TightVNC [TightVNC] timidity [timidity]
tor [How to install and use Tor for network privacy] torchat [TorChat] transcode [transcode] transmission [Transmission]
Tree [Tree] triplaneclassic [Triplane Classic] truecrypt [TrueCrypt] TuxCommander [Tux Commander]
twinkle [twinkle] txz [Txz] uclibc [uclibc] udev [Udev]
umplayer [umplayer] unison [unison] units [GNU Units] UnPet [UnPet]
unrar [unrar] unzip [unzip] Urxvt [Urxvt] UsingAbiWord [Using AbiWord]
UsingAbiWordWithPuppy1 [Using AbiWord with Puppy 1] util-linux [util-linux] utillinux [utillinux] utvideo [UtVideo]
v4lutils [v4l-utils] valgrind [valgrind] VariCAD [Vari C A D] VarioMenu [Vario Menu]
Vattery [Vattery] Vi [Vi] VideoConvertors [Video Convertors] viewnior [Viewnior]
vifm [vifm] virtualbox [VirtualBox] virtualdub [virtualdub] VirtualMagnifyingGlass [Virtual Magnifying Glass]
vlc [VLC] vlcgtk [VLC-GTK] VMwarePlayer [VMware Player] voaacenc [vo-aacenc]
voamrwbenc [vo-amrwbenc] vobcopy [vobcopy] vorbistools [vorbis-tools] watchtowerlibrary [watchtowerlibrary]
wavpack [WavPack] WavRec [Recording with wavrec command] WbarInstall [Wbar] WebKitGTK [Web Kit G T K]
WeeChat [Wee Chat] wget [Wget] Wiki [Wiki] Wikka [Wikka Wiki]
WildMidi [Wild Midi] wine [WINE] winetricks [winetricks] wipefreespace [Wipe Free Space]
Woof [Woof] WoofCE [Woof CE (community editon)] Woofy [Woofy] Worker [Worker software package(s)]
wxsvg [wxSVG] wxwidgets [wxWidgets] x264 [x264] XaraXtreme [Xara Xtreme]
XBMC [XBMC] xboard [xboard] xchat [X-Chat] Xdelta [xdelta software packages]
xdialog [Xdialog] Xdialog examples [Xdialog examples] xephem [xephem] xf86videoati [xf86-video-ati]
xfburn [Xfburn] xfce [Xfce] xfe [Xfe] xfm [xfm]
xineDVD [XineDVD] xinelib [xine-lib] Xiphos [Xiphos] xmorph [xmorph]
XnConvert [XnConvert] xnview [XnView] Xpad [Xpad] xproto [Xproto software packages]
xRandr [xRandr] Xsane [XSane] xvid [Xvid] xz [XZ Utils]
yad [yad] Yasm [Yasm] Ycalc [Ycalc] YourFreedom [Your Freedom]
youtubedl [youtube-dl] yt-dlp [yt-dlp] zarfy [Zarfy] zenity [Zenity]
zerofree [zerofree] zip [ZIP] zlib [zlib] zotero [Zotero]

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