Revision history for DeDpup

Revision [32993]

Last edited on 2020-08-29 06:57:53 by oui
~==Arbeite, um Debian und Puppy anzugleichen==
~==Arbeite, um Debian und Puppy anzugleichen

Revision [32991]

Edited on 2020-08-29 06:41:06 by oui
~[[DebianDog]] - [[ forum thread]] - Debian Wheezy Live CD mit Puppy-Aussehen (aber nicht gleich DPup)
~[[PussyLinux]] - Debian-REduktion von sickgut. Will klein sein, wie Puppy. 100% 'apt get' kompatibel mit Debian.
~[[DebianHelp]] - wer Debian-Puppyfied vorzieht
~[[ Light-Debian-Core-Live-CD-Wheezy + Porteus-Wheezy thread]] - Debian und Porteus 'puppyfied'.
~[[DebianDog]] - [[ forum thread]] - Debian Wheezy Live CD shaped to look like Puppy (not the same thing as DPup)
~[[PussyLinux]] - Cut down version of Debian by sickgut. Designed to be lightweight, like Puppy. 100% 'apt get' compatibility with Debian.
~[[DebianHelp]] - for people using a Puppyfied Debian
~[[ Light-Debian-Core-Live-CD-Wheezy + Porteus-Wheezy thread]] - Debian and Porteus 'puppyfied'.

Revision [32990]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2020-08-29 05:21:32 by oui
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