Revision history for IcePuppy

Revision [15192]

Last edited on 2011-06-09 19:24:38 by CrustyLobster [GonGetIt IcePuppy-014]
Download link:
- Latest Qt4
- Default Programs Chooser
- GonGetIt
Download link:
- newest Qt4
- vlc as the standard media player

Revision [15184]

Edited on 2011-06-08 07:06:59 by CrustyLobster [this distro is superb]
//I dont want to take credit for something I havent done. I have merely found many Jemimah`s work so useful that I have applied them to my builds.
I am fond of Radky`s, Shinobar`s and 01mickos works also. Playdayz and Barry Kauler has done the base work for my derivatives producing the building platforms. // **Pemasu**
//So far, on all of my LARGE platforms, this distro is superb. // **gcmartin**
Download link:
Previous drivers are in Ice Puppy-012 folder atm:
- Multicore Core CPU optimization
- Full kernel support for all available hardware
- Working usb booting
- newest Qt4
- vlc as the standard media player
Multicore Core CPU optimization
Full kernel support for all available hardware
Working usb booting

Revision [15183]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-06-08 05:14:51 by CrustyLobster [this distro is superb]
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