Revision history for PShutdown
{{include tonguesPupShutdown}}
{{include tonguesPupShutsown}}
~""PupShutdown"" and ""Pshutdown"" both add an option window when shutdown is selected, rather than having the standard shutdown submenu.
~""PupShutdown"" and ""Pshutdown"" both add an option window when shutdown is selected, rather than having the standard shutdown submenu.
====""PupShutdown"" and ""Pshutdown""====
~""PupShutdown"" and ""Pshutdown"" both add an option window when Puppy is Shutdown or rebooted.
~PupShutdown gives you access to configuration tools.
~{{image link="" url="" width="200"}}
~It is included as part of [[PupApps]]
~""PShutdown"" gives you access to restart in a different [[windowmanagers Window Manager]].
~{{image link="" url="" height="300"}}
~On Puppy 5.3x Slacko install [[Pets PET package]] from [[LupufySlacko LupufySlacko page]].
==Also on the Wiki==
~[[ PupShutdown 1.81 thread]]
~[[ PShutdown 1.01 thread]]
~[[ PShutdown 0.20 thread]]
~""PupShutdown"" and ""Pshutdown"" both add an option window when Puppy is Shutdown or rebooted.
~PupShutdown gives you access to configuration tools.
~{{image link="" url="" width="200"}}
~It is included as part of [[PupApps]]
~""PShutdown"" gives you access to restart in a different [[windowmanagers Window Manager]].
~{{image link="" url="" height="300"}}
~On Puppy 5.3x Slacko install [[Pets PET package]] from [[LupufySlacko LupufySlacko page]].
==Also on the Wiki==
~[[ PupShutdown 1.81 thread]]
~[[ PShutdown 1.01 thread]]
~[[ PShutdown 0.20 thread]]
~**""PupApps"" launcher** is a graphical panel which permits menu-like access to most Puppy programs (applications), and is similar to the companion program, PupControl, which permits access to more than sixty Puppy control functions. PupApps is a standalone program, but will integrate seamlessly with PupControl, PupShutdown, PupClockset and PupSnap.
~**Recommended OS** -> Puppy Linux 4.3.1 and above
~{{image width="250" link="" url="" title="screenshot" alt="screenshot"}}
~""PupApps"" is included in many versions of Puppy.
~Go to //[[Pmenu PuppyMenu]] > Utility > ""PupApps""//
~On Puppy 5.3x Slacko install [[Pets PET package]] from [[LupufySlacko page]].