Revision history for Puppy-es

Revision [26895]

Last edited on 2013-03-29 04:25:06 by darkcity [ Puppy-es github]]
~[[ Puppy-es github]]

Revision [26314]

Edited on 2013-02-25 10:06:24 by darkcity [(java app)]]]
Spanish: # puppy-es (server FreeNode) click to access [[ qwebirc]] or [[ cgiirc (java app)]]
Spanish: # puppy-click to access is [[ qwebirc]] or [[ cgiirc (java app)]]
Spanish: # puppy-es (server FreeNode) click to access [[ qwebirc]] or [[ cgiirc]]
Spanish: # puppy-click to access is [[ qwebirc]] or [[ cgiirc]]

Revision [26313]

Edited on 2013-02-25 10:03:35 by darkcity [(java app)]]]
English: # ""PuppyLinux"" [[ click to start qwebirc]]
English: # PuppyLinux [[ click to start qwebirc]]

Revision [25974]

Edited on 2013-02-14 10:54:22 by darkcity [(java app)]]]
~**Puppy-es** is in Spanish language puplet created in 2012 by the IRC channel # team puppy-es spearheaded by [[josejp2424]], [[nilsonmorales]] and [[mama21mama]]. The project's goal is to have a version of Puppy Linux fully in Spanish and have 3G support. Puppy-Es uses the [[window manager|]] - [[Openbox]] and the [[panel]] - [[Tint2]]. The last pupplet entirely in Spanish before it was Puppy- Molinux Zero, now discontinued.
~**Puppy-es** is in Spanish language puplet created in 2012 by the IRC channel # team puppy-es spearheaded by [[josejp2424]], [[nilsonmorales]] and [[mama21mama]]. The project's goal is to have a version of Puppy Linux fully in Spanish and have 3G support. Puppy-Es using the [[window manager|]] - [[Openbox]] and the [[panel]] - [[Tint2]]. The last pupplet entirely in Spanish before it was Puppy- Molinux Zero, now discontinued.

Revision [25973]

Edited on 2013-02-14 10:53:57 by darkcity [(java app)]]]
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]]
~**Puppy-es** is in Spanish language puplet created in 2012 by the IRC channel # team puppy-es spearheaded by [[josejp2424]], [[nilsonmorales]] and [[mama21mama]]. The project's goal is to have a version of Puppy Linux fully in Spanish and have 3G support. Puppy-Es using the [[window manager|]] - [[Openbox]] and the [[panel]] - [[Tint2]]. The last pupplet entirely in Spanish before it was Puppy- Molinux Zero, now discontinued.
~{{image url="" title="Screenshot" width="200" link=""}}
==Related Webpages==
~[[|Official Puppy-es page]]
~[[|Todo Puppy Linux]] -blog by [[josejp2424]]
~[[|Blog by Nilson Morales]]
~[[ Sub-forum for users speaking Spanish]]
~[[ Spanish Language Pack and later versions of Puppy Linux ]]
~[[ Putting Puppy Linux in Spanish]]
==Chat rooms ( server)==
Spanish: # puppy-es (server FreeNode) click to access [[ qwebirc]] or [[ cgiirc]]
Spanish: # puppy-click to access is [[ qwebirc]] or [[ cgiirc]]
English: # PuppyLinux [[ click to start qwebirc]]
[[Homepage]] > [[espanol español]]
**Puppy-es** es un puplet en español creado en 2012 por el equipo del canal IRC #puppy-es, encabezado por los usuarios josejp2424, nilsonmorales y mama21mama. El objetivo del proyecto es tener una versión de Puppy Linux con soporte total y nativo de idioma español y soporte 3G directo. Puppy-es utiliza el gestor de ventanas [[Openbox]] y el panel Tint2. El último pupplet enteramente en español antes de Puppy-es fue MoLinux Zero, actualmente descontinuado.
@@{{image url="" title="Vista del escritorio de Puppy-es" alt="Vista del escritorio de Puppy-es"}}@@
=====Ver también=====
[[|Página oficial de Puppy-es]]
[[|Todo Puppy Linux]] (blog de josejp2424)
[[|Blog de Nilson Morales]]
Canal IRC en español #puppy-es (servidor FreeNode) clic para acceder con [[ qwebirc]] o [[ cgiirc]]
=====Enlaces útiles=====
[[ Blog de Barry Kauler]] y [[ Página oficial de Puppy Linux]] (en inglés)
[[ Foro oficial de Puppy Linux]] (en inglés)
[[ Sub-foro para usuarios de habla hispana]]
[[ Paquete de idioma español y últimas versiones de Puppy Linux]]
[[ Cómo poner Puppy Linux en español]]
[[|Puppy-es]]: Versión en español creada por la comunidad
[[ Foro alternativo de ayuda]] (en inglés)
**Salas de chat (servidor **
- Español: #puppy-es clic para acceder con [[ qwebirc]] o [[ cgiirc]]
- Inglés: #puppylinux [[ clic para iniciar qwebirc]]
[[CategoryEspanol Categoría Español]]

Revision [25971]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2013-02-14 10:37:40 by darkcity [(java app)]]]
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