Revision history for PuppySchoolRaspberryPi

Revision [32393]

Last edited on 2019-07-08 10:25:53 by lobster [cleaned up some old material]
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for [[PARM other PARM devices]]
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for [[PARM other PARM devices]]>>
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
**What SD cards should I use?**
The Rpi Foundation recommend Class 4 and above (10 is the highest)
If no class number it will probably not work.
Barry recommends Class 6 as a minimum.
Barry is trying to minimise SD read/writes in Puppi SAP.
Even the same brand of Class 4 can be temperamental.
Transcend brand SD cards have been recommended.
**How soon before Puppi is on the Raspberry Pi?**
Beta 1 available soon - see news section
Barry (has board), Micko has board, Raffy (has board), Antiloquax (two boards), Mark G, John Murga (has board), Lobster (has board), Rolf has board, Shadow (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
After developers, testers and users have Pi hardware, we can move towards the first mainstream ARM Raspberry Puppi ISO
[[ RPi Broadcom graphics info]]

Revision [30472]

Edited on 2014-11-01 10:02:53 by BostonBay [Remove links to non-existent user pages]
Barry (has board), Micko has board, Raffy (has board), Antiloquax (two boards), Mark G, John Murga (has board), Lobster (has board), Rolf has board, Shadow (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
Barry (has board), Micko has board, Raffy (has board), Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board), Lobster (has board), Rolf has board, Shadow (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.

Revision [22559]

Edited on 2012-07-21 02:38:28 by CrustyLobster [Does sound work?]

**Does sound work?**
We are trying to trace anomalies. Use powered speakers from Rpi headphone socket. With Rox drag ivy.mp3r in puppy reference/audio into an open mplayer.

Revision [22196]

Edited on 2012-07-13 02:45:48 by CrustyLobster [has board]
Beta 1 available soon - see news section
Barry (has board), Micko has board, Raffy (has board), Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board), Lobster (has board), Rolf has board, Shadow (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
**I can not get a Raspberry Pi yet. Can I still try out/test Puppi SAP?**
>>Puppy is going back to his roots. Booting from SD. Moving to a new processor. Making every bit count. Join the Puppy geek adventure for 2012. Woof Woof
Alpha testing now available - see news section
Barry (has board), Raffy (has board), Sickgut, Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board), Lobster (has board), Shadow (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
**How do I get an operating system for my Raspberry Pi NOW?**
{{color text="New " c="red"}} [[ Alpha 2]]
**I can not get a Raspberry Pi. Can I still try out/test Puppi SAP?**

Revision [22194]

Edited on 2012-07-12 09:27:51 by CrustyLobster [What SD cards should I use?]
**What SD cards should I use?**
The Rpi Foundation recommend Class 4 and above (10 is the highest)
If no class number it will probably not work.
Barry recommends Class 6 as a minimum.
Barry is trying to minimise SD read/writes in Puppi SAP.
Even the same brand of Class 4 can be temperamental.
Transcend brand SD cards have been recommended.
Class 4 SD cards don't work reliably with the RP
go for Class 6 card or above

Revision [21990]

Edited on 2012-07-02 06:24:16 by CrustyLobster [No Raspberry? Use Qemu for now]
Alpha testing now available - see news section
Barry (has board), Raffy (has board), Sickgut, Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board), Lobster (has board), Shadow (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
{{color text="New " c="red"}} [[ Alpha 2]]
**I can not get a Raspberry Pi. Can I still try out/test Puppi SAP?**
Waiting list on pre orders is still aprox 6 weeks
[[ Use Qemu]] for now
**Can I burn SD img files from a Mac?**
W{{color text="arning - much of this info temporarily out of date - click on SAP - above for latest - or News" c="red"}}
**What is the plan for Puppi?**
[[PuppiPlan Puppi plan]]
[[ 200 Raspberry compiled pets from Barry K]] that are needed to build a Puppi are now available
Barry (has board), Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board), Lobster (has board), Shadow (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
The Raspberry Puppi is part of [[PARM]].
We are making Puppy available for ARM processors, tablets and smart [[ dog and bones]]
Mark (antiloquax) is working on an [[ ARCH based Puppy]] in Qemu
We are recommending using [[Puppi Debian]] and [[PuppiArch Arch]] process to get started/familiar
This base info will help bootstrapping a Puppi distro
Debian Squeeze for Raspberry Pi contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
[[ Gentoo on the Forum]]
[[ Direct Gentoo link]] requires 8 Gig SD card
**Can I have a step by step setup tutorial?**
[[ Here it is]]
[[ more technical info]]
**How do I burn the Debian Image; the downloadable .img with Puppy?**
In Puppy Slacko and most modern Puppys, click on the downloaded Squeeze zip
The zip will extract.
Move to unzipped image directory, open a console by
right clicking and select //new terminal//. Type
# dd bs=1M if=debian6-19-04-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
[[ more info]]
The part **debian6-19-04-2012.img** is the operating system image and if you have a later image
replace with the updated image name
**And for ArchLinux?**
dd bs=1M if=archlinuxarm-27-03-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
login root
password root
No Window manager just cli
type **help** to get started
[[ more Arch info]]
**Are there other distros to try on the RPi whilst awaiting Puppi?**
[[ Raspbian tweaked Debain]] used and suggested by John Murga
[[ Redsleeve]] not tested
**{{color text="New " c="red"}} Can I burn SD img files from a Mac?**
**Any Youtube tutorials?**
[[ Tutorial will be available here]]

Revision [21988]

Edited on 2012-07-02 03:45:51 by CrustyLobster [latest]
W{{color text="arning - much of this info temporarily out of date - click on SAP - above for latest - or News" c="red"}}

Revision [21879]

Edited on 2012-06-13 16:47:40 by darkcity [remove extra bread]
[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]]

Revision [21834]

Edited on 2012-06-13 01:52:52 by CrustyLobster [200 Raspberry compiled pets]
[[ 200 Raspberry compiled pets from Barry K]] that are needed to build a Puppi are now available
Barry (has board), Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board), Lobster (has board), Shadow (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
Guys our worst developer - that would be me, Lobster, has two Rpi boards. The first came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.

Revision [21805]

Edited on 2012-06-12 04:48:27 by CrustyLobster [removed non working rpi links]
**Which Raspberry Pi Foundation resources should I use?**
Join Pi forum [[ Pi thread]]
Join **Raspberry_Pi** on twitter for news as it happens

Revision [21798]

Edited on 2012-06-12 00:08:09 by CrustyLobster [Granny Smith - she say 'bite away']
**Are there other distros to try on the RPi whilst awaiting Puppi?**
**{{color text="New " c="red"}} Can I burn SD img files from a Mac?**
[[ Granny Smith - she say 'bite away']]
**{{color text="New " c="red"}}Are there other distros to try on the RPi whilst awaiting Puppi?**

Revision [21773]

Edited on 2012-06-08 05:41:18 by CrustyLobster [Class 6 card or above, Gentoo]
**How reliable is the hardware?**
Class 4 SD cards don't work reliably with the RP
go for Class 6 card or above
[[ verified hardware]]
[[ Gentoo on the Forum]]
[[ Direct Gentoo link]] requires 8 Gig SD card

Revision [21763]

Edited on 2012-06-06 07:09:38 by CrustyLobster [Class 6 card or above, Gentoo]
{{include PuppiMenu}}
==[[PuppiPlan Intro]] : [[Puppi Puppi+Debian]] : [[PuppiArch Puppi+Arch]] : [[PARM Puppy on ARM]] ==

Revision [21757]

Edited on 2012-06-06 06:53:59 by CrustyLobster [Class 6 card or above, Gentoo]
==[[PuppiPlan Intro]] : [[Puppi Puppi+Debian]] : [[PuppiArch Puppi+Arch]] : [[PARM Puppy on ARM]] ==
==[[PuppiPlan Intro]] : [[PuppySchoolRaspberryPi Faqs]] : [[Puppi Puppi+Debian]] : [[PuppiArch Puppi+Arch]] : [[PARM Puppy on ARM]] ==

Revision [21752]

Edited on 2012-06-06 05:11:00 by CrustyLobster [Class 6 card or above, Gentoo]
==[[PuppiPlan Intro]] : [[PuppySchoolRaspberryPi Faqs]] : [[Puppi Puppi+Debian]] : [[PuppiArch Puppi+Arch]] : [[PARM Puppy on ARM]] ==
===={{color text="New " c="red"}}Click for [[PuppiArch Puppi Arch base]]====
===Click for [[Puppi Puppi Debian Squeeze base]] ===

Revision [21700]

Edited on 2012-05-31 15:54:45 by CrustyLobster [updates]
**What Puppi centric news is available?**
Guys our worst developer - that would be me, Lobster, has two Rpi boards. The first came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
The Raspberry Puppi is part of [[PARM]].
We are making Puppy available for ARM processors, tablets and smart [[ dog and bones]]
[[Puppi currently in pre-alpha preparation and experimentation]]
**What Puppy centric news is available?**
Guys our worst developer - that would be me, Lobster, has a Rpi board (second board coming soon). It came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (has board), MarkG, John Murga (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving
[[ Lobster tries out Raspberry Pi hardware]]
[[ Lobster has Pi!]]
[[ pre planning]]
The Raspberry Puppi is part of [[PARM]]. We are making Puppy available for ARM processors, tablets and smart [[ dog and bones]]

Revision [21694]

Edited on 2012-05-31 03:22:48 by CrustyLobster [updates]
Guys our worst developer - that would be me, Lobster, has a Rpi board (second board coming soon). It came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (has board), MarkG, John Murga (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving
Guys our worst developer - that would be me, Lobster, has a Rpi board. It came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (has board), MarkG, John Murga (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving

Revision [21692]

Edited on 2012-05-31 03:06:07 by CrustyLobster [Puppi Plan]
**What is Puppi?**
**What is the plan for Puppi?**
[[PuppiPlan Puppi plan]]
**What is Raspberry Puppi?**
**What are the proposed Puppi spec?**
- Run in the 256MB ram of the Raspberry Pi at Puppy speed
- JWM - Joe's Window Manager and/or choice of window managers
- Rox File Manager (incidentally Rox was developed first on the ARM processor)
- Recognizable Puppy scripts
- Puppy mainstream programs
Geany, Midori, Leafpad, Mtpaint, Xchat, Mhwaveedit, Transmission
- Puppi Package Manager and/or Appet based on QuickPet/SlickPet
- Puppi Control Panel
- Puppi Soft Phone
- Puppi GROWL Security
- MoManager - create non-english Puppi
- Styling options from Saluki
- Puppi Cloud support, Meebo, Gmail, Yahoo, IRC etc as available in Slacko
//Spec are likely to change during development//

Revision [21683]

Edited on 2012-05-29 21:42:07 by CrustyLobster [window managers]
- Run in the 256MB ram of the Raspberry Pi at Puppy speed
- JWM - Joe's Window Manager and/or choice of window managers
- Run in the 256MB ram of the Raspberry Pi at Puppy Speed
- JWM - Joe's Window Manager and/or choice of window anagers

Revision [21681]

Edited on 2012-05-29 21:11:40 by CrustyLobster [What are the proposed Puppi spec?]
[[Puppi currently in pre-alpha preparation and experimentation]]
- Run in the 256MB ram of the Raspberry Pi at Puppy Speed
- JWM - Joe's Window Manager and/or choice of window anagers
- Rox File Manager (incidentally Rox was developed first on the ARM processor)
- Recognizable Puppy scripts
- Puppy mainstream programs
Geany, Midori, Leafpad, Mtpaint, Xchat, Mhwaveedit, Transmission
- Styling options from Saluki
- Puppi Cloud support, Meebo, Gmail, Yahoo, IRC etc as available in Slacko
//Spec are likely to change during development//
Guys our worst developer - that would be me, Lobster, has a Rpi board. It came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (has board), MarkG, John Murga (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving
We are recommending using [[Puppi Debian]] and [[PuppiArch Arch]] process to get started/familiar
This base info will help bootstrapping a Puppi distro
Debian Squeeze for Raspberry Pi contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
When installed Mtpaint is in your LX menu under graphics
The screenshot facility in Mtpaint is under File/Actions/Time delayed screenshot
Raspberry Puppi or RP or Puppi for short, is [[Puppi currently in pre-alpha preparation and experimentation]]
//These are likely to change//
- Run in the 256MB ram of the Pi
This means we can lock the SD card if we wish and write to a second device for config and data e.g. a keydrive. It also means calling from memory cache rather than SD
- Recognizable Puppy scripts and programs
In the Debian Squeeze Lobster is currently experimenting with:
running programs = Geany, Midori, Leafpad
installed mtpaint, xchat etc - see [[Puppi]]
Pets being compiled by Barryk - including gtkdialog
- JWM - Joe's Window Manager
- Rox File Manager
- Mhwaveedit
- Puppi Cloud support, Meebo, Gmail, Yahoo, IRC etc
- Transmission bit torrent
- Emergency Yodel button - optional
Guys our worst developer - that would be me Lobster, has a Rpi board. It came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax, MarkG and others have boards on order.
We are recommending Debian Squeeze and using the [[Puppi Debian]] [[PuppiArch Arch]] process
This base will help bootstrapping a Puppi distro
Debian Squueeze for Raspberry Pi contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
**[[ Using Debian Squeeze]]**
When installed mtpaint is in your LX menu under graphics
The screenshot facility in mtpaint is under File/Actions/Time delayed screenshot

Revision [21680]

Edited on 2012-05-29 20:46:42 by CrustyLobster [raspbian]
**{{color text="New " c="red"}}Are there other distros to try on the RPi whilst awaiting Puppi?**
[[ Raspbian tweaked Debain]] used and suggested by John Murga
[[ Redsleeve]] not tested

Revision [21662]

Edited on 2012-05-26 22:27:05 by CrustyLobster [Puppi Arch]
===={{color text="New " c="red"}}Click for [[PuppiArch Puppi Arch base]]====
===Click for [[Puppi Puppi Debian Squeeze base]] ===
We are recommending Debian Squeeze and using the [[Puppi Debian]] [[PuppiArch Arch]] process
Debian Squueeze for Raspberry Pi contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
===={{color text="New " c="red"}}Click for [[Puppi]]fication of Debian Squeeze====
We are recommending Debian Squeeze and using the [[Puppi]] process
Debian contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
**How do I move files from a USB keydrive on or off Debian Squeeze?**
Change the permissions. You can do this from the file manager
I changed everything to read/write and executable
In Rox the USB will be visible in **/media** folder
==Also see==
~[[Puppi Puppi - version for the RaspberryPi]]

Revision [21460]

Edited on 2012-05-02 02:26:25 by CrustyLobster [RPi Chip manual]
[[ RPi Chip manual]]

Revision [21459]

Edited on 2012-05-01 23:27:20 by CrustyLobster [edited repeats in Puppi]
Mark (antiloquax) is working on an [[ ARCH based Puppy]] in Qemu
We are recommending Debian Squeeze and using the [[Puppi]] process
This base will help bootstrapping a Puppi distro
Debian contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
**How do I burn the Debian Image; the downloadable .img with Puppy?**
In Puppy Slacko and most modern Puppys, click on the downloaded Squeeze zip
The zip will extract.
Move to unzipped image directory, open a console by
The part **debian6-19-04-2012.img** is the operating system image and if you have a later image
Currently we are recommending Debian Squeeze
(Puppy not yet available) . . . coming soon . . .
We believe this to be the best basis or bootstrapping distro to start with
It contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
Mark (antiloquax) is working on an [[ ARCH based Puppy]]
**How do I burn the Debian Image; the .img with Puppy?**
In Puppy Slacko and most modern Puppys click on the downloaded Squeeze zip
It will expand
Move to the directory where the unzipped image is, open a console by
The part **debian6-19-04-2012.img** is the image and if you have a later image
**What other Puppi style programs can be installed with apt-get?**
- rox-filer = Rox file manager
- chromium-browser = Google Chrome
- inkscape = structured drawing package
- dia = structured drawing package
- mhwaveedit = Jack sound driver not available yet
**How do I create an image file of my changes for other Puppi Users?**
dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/a/mounted/filesystem/filename.img
[[ details]]

Revision [21449]

Edited on 2012-04-30 02:26:57 by CrustyLobster [currently in pre-alpha preparation]
Raspberry Puppi or RP or Puppi for short, is [[Puppi currently in pre-alpha preparation and experimentation]]
===={{color text="New " c="red"}}Click for [[Puppi]]fication of Debian Squeeze====
installed mtpaint, xchat etc - see [[Puppi]]
Guys our worst developer - that would be me Lobster, has a Rpi board. It came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax, MarkG and others have boards on order.
Mark (antiloquax) is working on an [[ ARCH based Puppy]]
Raspberry Puppi or RP or Puppi for short, is currently in pre-alpha preparation and experimentation
===={{color text="New " c="red"}}[[Puppi]]fication of Debian Squeeze====
installed mtpaint and xchat
Guys our worst developer - that would be me Lobster, has a Rpi board. It came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut and others have boards on order.
Mark (antiloquax) is working on an ARCH based Puppy
**How do I get 'The Squeeze' started?**
boot up
login **pi**
password **raspberry**
for desktop
**How using Squeeze, do I change the desktop image to something Puppi?**
Right click on desktop
Change desktop/wallpaper and then drag the file from USB keydrive or other source (I added a lime coloured USB hub to the Raspberry) to the file selector
[[ desktop wallpaper]]
[[ older wallpaper design]]
[[ pacer106 design]]
**How do I install my favourite Puppi programs in the Squeeze?**
Activate the menu bottom left
Use the **Lxterminal** in the top menu **accessories**
(password = raspberry)
sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get install mtpaint
apt-get clean
then run mtpaint (that is an example) from the terminal

Revision [21410]

Edited on 2012-04-26 06:57:01 by darkcity [bread cat]
==Also see==
~[[Puppi Puppi - version for the RaspberryPi]]

Revision [21409]

Edited on 2012-04-26 06:56:00 by darkcity [bread cat]
====Puppy School - ""RaspberryPi""====
====Puppy School - RaspberryPi====

Revision [21408]

Edited on 2012-04-26 06:55:14 by darkcity [bread cat]
====Puppy School - RaspberryPi====

Revision [21405]

Edited on 2012-04-26 06:50:13 by darkcity [bread cat]
[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]]
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]]

Revision [21404]

Edited on 2012-04-26 06:47:22 by darkcity [bread cat]
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]]
[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]]

Revision [21403]

Edited on 2012-04-26 06:46:13 by darkcity [bread cat]
[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]]

Revision [21346]

Edited on 2012-04-25 06:19:57 by CrustyLobster [bread cat]
Join [[ Raspberry Pi]] mailing list (top right)

Revision [21342]

Edited on 2012-04-25 03:34:07 by CrustyLobster [Puppification of Debian Squeeze]
===={{color text="New " c="red"}}[[Puppi]]fication of Debian Squeeze====

Revision [21341]

Edited on 2012-04-25 00:56:38 by CrustyLobster [editing]
Raspberry Puppi or RP or Puppi for short, is currently in pre-alpha preparation and experimentation
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for [[PARM other PARM devices]]>>
The Raspberry Puppi is part of [[PARM]]. We are making Puppy available for ARM processors, tablets and smart [[ dog and bones]]
Change desktop/wallpaper and then drag the file from USB keydrive or other source (I added a lime coloured USB hub to the Raspberry) to the file selector
Change the permissions. You can do this from the file manager
In Rox the USB will be visible in **/media** folder
**Any Youtube tutorials?**
[[ Tutorial will be available here]]
After developers, testers and users have Pi hardware, we can move towards the first mainstream ARM Raspberry Puppi ISO
[[ Puppy artwork]] (already available), wiki and forum support etc.
Join [[ Raspberry Pi]] mailing list (top right)
Raspberry Puppi or RP or ""Puppi"" for short, is currently
in pre-alpha preparation and experimentation
We only have to support broadcom multimedia on the first Puppy build
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for [[PARM other PARM devices]]
[[ Early plans and promises]]>>
The Raspberry ""PupPy"" is part of [[PARM]]. We are making Puppy available for ARM processors, tablets and smart [[ dog and bones]]
Change desktop or wallpaper (can not remember which - must have sardines) and then drag the file from USB keydrive or other source (I added a lime coloured USB hub to the Raspberry) to the file selector
You have to change the permissions.
You can do this from the file manager
In Rox the USB will be visible in /media folder
**How do I Boot?**
Remove the SD, re-image, re-insert the SD, and BOOT]]
[[ Tutorial will be available here]]
We are near to ARM Raspberry Pi's release for our smart dogs. After we have Pi hardware, comes the first mainstream Raspberry ""PupPy"" ISO with testers, support, derivatives, [[ Puppy artwork]] (already available), wiki and forum support etc.
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="Puppy Logo"}} Join [[ Raspberry Pi]] mailing list (top right)

Revision [21340]

Edited on 2012-04-25 00:42:30 by CrustyLobster [edit]
>>Puppy is going back to his roots. Booting from SD. Moving to a new processor. Making every bit count. Join the Puppy geek adventure for 2012. Woof Woof
[[ Early plans and promises]]>>
[[ americanizing the raspberry pi]]
>>Puppy is going back to his roots. Booting from SD. Moving to a new processor. Making every bit count. Join the Puppy geek adventure for 2012. Woof Woof>>
[[ Early plans and promises]]
[[ Cure]] is possible
**History of Raspberry in Quotes**

//In almost every computation a great variety of arrangements for the succession of the processes is possible, and various considerations must influence the selections amongst them for the purposes of a calculating engine. One essential object is to choose that arrangement which shall tend to reduce to a minimum the time necessary for completing the calculation.//
**Ada Lovelace (died 1852 - early Pi-oneer)**
//The Raspberry Pi Foundation will be making a big (and very positive) announcement that just might interest you at 0600h GMT on Wednesday 29 February 2012. Come to [[]] to find out what’s going on// **[[ countdown to announcement]]**
"With tens of thousands of customers looking to order on the RS website since the launch of Raspberry Pi earlier today, this is the greatest level of demand RS has ever received for a product at one time. We clearly understand how excited customers are about this ground-breaking product and we are working closely with Raspberry Pi to satisfy this unprecedented demand." [[ Chris Page, General Manager, Electronics at RS Components]]
//Absolutely can't believe the interest. We've got the Chinese State Broadcasting "news" people visiting this morning// [[ Liz Upton from Raspberry Pi HQ 3 days after launch]]
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}

Revision [21337]

Edited on 2012-04-24 12:57:02 by darkcity [uickPet/SlickPet]
- Puppi Package Manager and/or Appet based on QuickPet/SlickPet
- Puppi Package Manager and/or Appet based on Quickpet/Slickpet

Revision [21311]

Edited on 2012-04-23 22:56:18 by CrustyLobster [image]
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
**What is Raspberry Puppi?**
[[ Puppi]] is Puppy running on the [[ Raspberry Pi ARM motherboard]]
Raspberry Puppi or RP or ""Puppi"" for short, is currently
**What are the proposed Puppi spec?**
- JWM - Joe's Window Manager
- Puppi Package Manager and/or Appet based on Quickpet/Slickpet
- Puppi Control Panel
- Puppi Soft Phone
- Puppi GROWL Security
- MoManager - create non-english Puppi
- Puppi Cloud support, Meebo, Gmail, Yahoo, IRC etc
**How soon before Puppi is on the Raspberry Pi?**
**How do I get an operating system for my Raspberry Pi NOW?**
**How using Squeeze, do I change the desktop image to something Puppi?**
**How do I install my favourite Puppi programs in the Squeeze?**
**What other Puppi style programs can be installed with apt-get?**
**How do I create an image file of my changes for other Puppi Users?**
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="Puppy Logo"}} Join [[ Raspberry Pi]] mailing list (top right)
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
**What is Raspberry ""PupPy?""**
[[ PupPy]] is Puppy running on the [[ Raspberry Pi ARM motherboard]]
Raspberry ""PupPy"" or RP or ""PupPy"" for short, is currently
**What are the proposed spec?**
- JWM - Joes Window Manager
- Puppy Package Manager and/or ARMpet based on Quickpet/Slickpet
- Puppy Control Panel
- Puppy Soft Phone
- Puppy GROWL Security
- MoManager - create non-english Puppy
- Puppy Cloud support, Meebo, Gmail, Yahoo, IRC etc
**How soon before Puppy is on the Raspberry Pi?**
**How do I get an operating system for my Raspberry Pi?**
**How using Squeeze, do I change the desktop image to something Puppian?**
**How do I install my favourite Puppy programs in the Squeeze?**
**What other Puppian programs can be installed with apt-get?**
**How do I create an image file of my changes for other Puppy Users?**
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="Puppy Logo"}} Join [[ Raspberry Pi]] mailing list (top right)

Revision [21310]

Edited on 2012-04-23 22:11:45 by CrustyLobster [more Arch info]
dd bs=1M if=archlinuxarm-27-03-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
login root
password root
No Window manager just cli
type **help** to get started
[[ more Arch info]]
dd bs=1M if=archlinuxarm-27-03-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
login root
password root
No Window manager just cli
type **help** to get started

Revision [21309]

Edited on 2012-04-23 15:01:48 by CrustyLobster [more technical info]
[[ Here it is]]
[[ more technical info]]
[[ Here it is]]

Revision [21308]

Edited on 2012-04-23 14:58:05 by CrustyLobster [step by step setup tutorial]
**Can I have a step by step setup tutorial?**
[[ Here it is]]

Revision [21307]

Edited on 2012-04-23 11:29:39 by CrustyLobster [dia]
- Mhwaveedit
(Puppy not yet available) . . . coming soon . . .
Mark (antiloquax) is working on an ARCH based Puppy
- dia = structured drawing package
- mhwaveedit = Jack sound driver not available yet
In Rox the USB will be visible in /media folder

- Mhwavedit

(Puppy not yet available) coming soon . . .

Revision [21306]

Edited on 2012-04-23 06:42:26 by CrustyLobster [Rox file manager]
**What other Puppian programs can be installed with apt-get?**
- rox-filer = Rox file manager
- chromium-browser = Google Chrome
- inkscape = structured drawing package

Revision [21305]

Edited on 2012-04-23 03:25:04 by CrustyLobster [create an image file of my changes]
**How do I create an image file of my changes for other Puppy Users?**
dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/a/mounted/filesystem/filename.img
[[ details]]

Revision [21304]

Edited on 2012-04-23 02:24:10 by CrustyLobster [spec]
- JWM - Joes Window Manager
- Rox File Manager

- Puppy Package Manager and/or ARMpet based on Quickpet/Slickpet
- Puppy Control Panel

- Puppy Soft Phone
- Puppy GROWL Security
- Mhwavedit
- MoManager - create non-english Puppy

- Puppy Cloud support, Meebo, Gmail, Yahoo, IRC etc
- Transmission bit torrent
- Emergency Yodel button - optional
Puppy Package Manager and/or ARMpet based on Quickpet/Slickpet
Puppy Control Panel
Puppy Soft Phone
Puppy GROWL Security
Puppy Cloud support, Meebo, Gmail, Yahoo, IRC etc
JWM - Joes Window Manager
Transmission bit torrent
Rox File Manager
MoManager - create non-english Puppy
Emergency Yodel button - optional

Revision [21297]

Edited on 2012-04-22 07:54:54 by CrustyLobster [something Puppian]
**How do I burn the Debian Image; the .img with Puppy?**
Move to the directory where the unzipped image is, open a console by
right clicking and select //new terminal//. Type
**How do I get 'The Squeeze' started?**
**How using Squeeze, do I change the desktop image to something Puppian?**
**How to do I use Mtpaint screenshot?**
**What if I am American?**
**I am a beginner. What do I do? Details?**
[[ Beginner Pi]]
**How do I burn the Debian Image from Puppy?**
Move to the directory where the unzipped image is and type
**How do I get 'The Squeeze started?**
**How do I change the desktop image to something Puppian in Squeeze?**
**How to do I use the Mtpaint screenshot?**
**What the if I am American?**

Revision [21295]

Edited on 2012-04-21 21:14:52 by CrustyLobster [What the if I am American?]
**What the if I am American?**
[[ Cure]] is possible

Revision [21294]

Edited on 2012-04-21 19:32:30 by CrustyLobster [wallpaper]
**What Puppy centric news is available?**
[[ Python, Puppy and Raspberry Pi blog]] from Antiloquax and Lobster
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for [[PARM other PARM devices]]
[[ Early plans and promises]]
Guys our worst developer - that would be me Lobster, has a Rpi board. It came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut and others have boards on order.
Change desktop or wallpaper (can not remember which - must have sardines) and then drag the file from USB keydrive or other source (I added a lime coloured USB hub to the Raspberry) to the file selector
[[ pacer106 design]]
**How do I Boot?**
Remove the SD, re-image, re-insert the SD, and BOOT]]
**Can I have Raspberry PI FAQS?**
Guys our worst developer - that would be me Lobster, has a Rpi board. It came two days before general release. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut and others have boards on order.
change desktop or wallpaper (can not remember which - must have sardines) and then drag the file from USB keydrive (I added a lime coloured USB hub to the Raspberry) to the file selector
**How do we Boot?**
You remove the SD, re-image, re-insert the SD, and BOOT]]
**What Puppy centric support is available?**
{{color text="New" c="Red"}} [[ Python, Puppy and Raspberry Pi blog]] from antiloquax and Lobster
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for [[PARM other devices]]
[[ Puppy forum specific advice]]
**Raspberry PI FAQS**

Revision [21292]

Edited on 2012-04-21 06:43:45 by CrustyLobster [""PupPy?""]
**What is Raspberry ""PupPy?""**
Raspberry ""PupPy"" or RP or ""PupPy"" for short, is currently
The Raspberry ""PupPy"" is part of [[PARM]]. We are making Puppy available for ARM processors, tablets and smart [[ dog and bones]]
Currently we are recommending Debian Squeeze
The part **debian6-19-04-2012.img** is the image and if you have a later image
We are near to ARM Raspberry Pi's release for our smart dogs. After we have Pi hardware, comes the first mainstream Raspberry ""PupPy"" ISO with testers, support, derivatives, [[ Puppy artwork]] (already available), wiki and forum support etc.
**What is Raspberry PupPy?**
Rapberry PupPy or RP or PupPy for short is currently on April 21 2011
The Raspberry Pi is part of [[PARM]] getting Puppy available for ARM processors
Currently we are recommending the just released (April 14 2012) Debian Squeeze
The part **debian6-139-04-2012.img** is the image and if you have a later image
We are near to ARM Raspberry Pi's release for our smart dogs. After we have Pi hardware, comes the first mainstream ARM Puppy ISO with testers, support, derivatives, [[ Puppy artwork]] (already available), wiki and forum support etc.

Revision [21291]

Edited on 2012-04-21 06:07:56 by CrustyLobster [move files from a USB keydrive]
[[ PupPy]] is Puppy running on the [[ Raspberry Pi ARM motherboard]]
Rapberry PupPy or RP or PupPy for short is currently on April 21 2011
in pre-alpha preparation and experimentation
This means we can lock the SD card if we wish and write to a second device for config and data e.g. a keydrive. It also means calling from memory cache rather than SD
In the Debian Squeeze Lobster is currently experimenting with:
running programs = Geany, Midori, Leafpad
installed mtpaint and xchat
Pets being compiled by Barryk - including gtkdialog
Puppy Package Manager and/or ARMpet based on Quickpet/Slickpet
Puppy Control Panel
Puppy Soft Phone
Puppy GROWL Security
Puppy Cloud support, Meebo, Gmail, Yahoo, IRC etc
JWM - Joes Window Manager
Transmission bit torrent
Rox File Manager
MoManager - create non-english Puppy
Emergency Yodel button - optional
# dd bs=1M if=debian6-19-04-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
The part **debian6-139-04-2012.img** is the image and if you have a later image
replace with the updated image name
**How to do I use the Mtpaint screenshot?**
**How do I move files from a USB keydrive on or off Debian Squeeze?**
You have to change the permissions.
You can do this from the file manager
I changed everything to read/write and executable
**Raspberry PI FAQS**
[[ PupPy]] is Puppy running on the [[ Raspberry Pi ARM motherboard]] currently April 20 2011 in pre-alpha planning
This means we can lock the SD card if we wish and write to a second device for config and data e.g. a keydrive
In the Debian Squeeze I am currently experimenting with:
running program = Geany, Midori, Leafpad and installed mtpaint and xchat
# dd bs=1M if=debian6-13-04-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
**How to do I use the Mtpaint screenshot**
**{{color text="Raspberry PI FAQS" c="Red"}}**

Revision [21290]

Edited on 2012-04-21 03:09:00 by CrustyLobster [How to do I use the Mtpaint screenshot]
Use the **Lxterminal** in the top menu **accessories**
apt-get clean
**How to do I use the Mtpaint screenshot**
See the info on installing favourite Puppy programs
When installed mtpaint is in your LX menu under graphics
The screenshot facility in mtpaint is under File/Actions/Time delayed screenshot
Use the **LXterminal** in the top menu **accessories**

Revision [21289]

Edited on 2012-04-20 15:11:05 by CrustyLobster [How to do I use the Mtpaint screenshot]
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}

Revision [21288]

Edited on 2012-04-20 07:11:44 by CrustyLobster [And for ArchLinux?]
**And for ArchLinux?**
dd bs=1M if=archlinuxarm-27-03-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
login root
password root
No Window manager just cli
type **help** to get started
**How do I change the desktop image to something Puppian in Squeeze?**
**What the ffffffffff?**
**How do I change the desktop image to something Puppian?**
**What the ffffffffff**

Revision [21287]

Edited on 2012-04-20 03:54:30 by CrustyLobster [What is Raspberry PupPy?]
**What is Raspberry PupPy?**
[[ PupPy]] is Puppy running on the [[ Raspberry Pi ARM motherboard]] currently April 20 2011 in pre-alpha planning
**What are the proposed spec?**
//These are likely to change//
- Run in the 256MB ram of the Pi
This means we can lock the SD card if we wish and write to a second device for config and data e.g. a keydrive
- Recognizable Puppy scripts and programs
In the Debian Squeeze I am currently experimenting with:
running program = Geany, Midori, Leafpad and installed mtpaint and xchat

Revision [21268]

Edited on 2012-04-18 06:56:23 by CrustyLobster [debian6-13-04-2012.img]
# dd bs=1M if=debian6-13-04-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
# dd bs=1M if=debian6-17-02-2012.img of=/dev/sdc

Revision [21267]

Edited on 2012-04-18 05:50:54 by CrustyLobster [accessories]
Use the **LXterminal** in the top menu **accessories**
If you are getting strange auto-repeats or other weird behaviour try plugging the USB keyboard or other device directly into the Rpi, or use a powered hub.
Use the LXterminal in the top menu
If you are getting strange auto repeats or other weird behaviour try plugging the USB keyboard or other device directly into the Rpi

Revision [21265]

Edited on 2012-04-18 01:48:37 by CrustyLobster [getting Puppy available for ARM processors]
**How soon before Puppy is on the Raspberry Pi?**
Guys our worst developer - that would be me Lobster, has a Rpi board. It came two days before general release. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut and others have boards on order.
[[ Lobster tries out Raspberry Pi hardware]]
The Raspberry Pi is part of [[PARM]] getting Puppy available for ARM processors
**I am a beginner. What do I do? Details?**
We believe this to be the best basis or bootstrapping distro to start with
It contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
Activate the menu bottom left
Use the LXterminal in the top menu
**How do we Boot?**
**What Puppy centric support is available?**
We only have to support broadcom multimedia on the first Puppy build
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for [[PARM other devices]]
**{{color text="Raspberry PI FAQS" c="Red"}}**
**Which Raspberry Pi Foundation resources should I use?**
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="Puppy Logo"}} Join [[ Raspberry Pi]] mailing list (top right)
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
====[[ Lobster tries out Raspberry Pi hardware]]====
Use the first terminal you come across (from I think the second Squeeze menu item)
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="Puppy Logo"}}
===**{{color text="Raspberry PI FAQS" c="Red"}}**===
We only have to support broadcom multimedia on the first build
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for other devices
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
Join [[ Raspberry Pi]] mailing list (top right)
''How do we Boot?''
''I am a beginner. What do I do? Details?''

Revision [21263]

Edited on 2012-04-17 07:36:52 by CrustyLobster [What the ffffffffff]
**What the ffffffffff**
If you are getting strange auto repeats or other weird behaviour try plugging the USB keyboard or other device directly into the Rpi

Revision [21261]

Edited on 2012-04-16 18:01:34 by CrustyLobster [How do I install my favourite Puppy programs]
**How do I install my favourite Puppy programs in the Squeeze?**
Use the first terminal you come across (from I think the second Squeeze menu item)
(password = raspberry)
sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get install mtpaint
then run mtpaint (that is an example) from the terminal

Revision [21260]

Edited on 2012-04-16 17:53:13 by CrustyLobster [How do I burn the Debian Image from Puppy?]
**How do I get an operating system for my Raspberry Pi?**
Currently we are recommending the just released (April 14 2012) Debian Squeeze
(Puppy not yet available) coming soon . . .
**[[ Using Debian Squeeze]]**
**How do I burn the Debian Image from Puppy?**
In Puppy Slacko and most modern Puppys click on the downloaded Squeeze zip
It will expand
Move to the directory where the unzipped image is and type
# dd bs=1M if=debian6-17-02-2012.img of=/dev/sdc
[[ more info]]
**How do I get 'The Squeeze started?**
**How do I change the desktop image to something Puppian?**
**History of Raspberry in Quotes**
**setting up Debian Squeeze** (Puppy not yet available) coming soon
**[[ Using Debian Squeeze]]**
**Change desktop image**
job done

Revision [21259]

Edited on 2012-04-16 04:36:14 by CrustyLobster [older wallpaper design]
[[ older wallpaper design]]

Revision [21258]

Edited on 2012-04-16 04:33:03 by CrustyLobster [desktop wallpaper]
**setting up Debian Squeeze** (Puppy not yet available) coming soon
**[[ Using Debian Squeeze]]**
boot up
login **pi**
password **raspberry**
for desktop
**Change desktop image**
Right click on desktop
change desktop or wallpaper (can not remember which - must have sardines) and then drag the file from USB keydrive (I added a lime coloured USB hub to the Raspberry) to the file selector
job done
[[ desktop wallpaper]]

Revision [21256]

Edited on 2012-04-16 02:54:51 by CrustyLobster [image added]
>>Puppy is going back to his roots. Booting from SD. Moving to a new processor. Making every bit count. Join the Puppy geek adventure for 2012. Woof Woof>>
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
Info soon

Revision [21254]

Edited on 2012-04-16 02:48:13 by CrustyLobster [moved from PARM]
====[[ Lobster tries out Raspberry Pi hardware]]====
//In almost every computation a great variety of arrangements for the succession of the processes is possible, and various considerations must influence the selections amongst them for the purposes of a calculating engine. One essential object is to choose that arrangement which shall tend to reduce to a minimum the time necessary for completing the calculation.//
**Ada Lovelace (died 1852 - early Pi-oneer)**
//The Raspberry Pi Foundation will be making a big (and very positive) announcement that just might interest you at 0600h GMT on Wednesday 29 February 2012. Come to [[]] to find out what’s going on// **[[ countdown to announcement]]**
"With tens of thousands of customers looking to order on the RS website since the launch of Raspberry Pi earlier today, this is the greatest level of demand RS has ever received for a product at one time. We clearly understand how excited customers are about this ground-breaking product and we are working closely with Raspberry Pi to satisfy this unprecedented demand." [[ Chris Page, General Manager, Electronics at RS Components]]
//Absolutely can't believe the interest. We've got the Chinese State Broadcasting "news" people visiting this morning// [[ Liz Upton from Raspberry Pi HQ 3 days after launch]]
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="Puppy Logo"}}
===**{{color text="Raspberry PI FAQS" c="Red"}}**===
{{color text="New" c="Red"}} [[ Python, Puppy and Raspberry Pi blog]] from antiloquax and Lobster
**[[ Buying Guide]]**
We are near to ARM Raspberry Pi's release for our smart dogs. After we have Pi hardware, comes the first mainstream ARM Puppy ISO with testers, support, derivatives, [[ Puppy artwork]] (already available), wiki and forum support etc.
[[ Raspberry Pi hardware commitment]]
[[ RPi Broadcom graphics info]]
We only have to support broadcom multimedia on the first build
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for other devices
[[ Puppy forum specific advice]]

{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
Join [[ Raspberry Pi]] mailing list (top right)
Join Pi forum [[ Pi thread]]
Join **Raspberry_Pi** on twitter for news as it happens
''How do we Boot?''
You remove the SD, re-image, re-insert the SD, and BOOT]]
[[ Tutorial will be available here]]

''I am a beginner. What do I do? Details?''
[[ Beginner Pi]]

Revision [21252]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2012-04-16 02:45:09 by CrustyLobster [moved from PARM]
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