Revision history for idesk

Revision [13549]

Last edited on 2011-03-20 16:46:37 by r1tz
====Installing idesk====
Note, you need to make at least one icon or it idesk will not run.
In ~/root/.xinitrc (a hidden file)
Comment this out:
if [ -f /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPan1 ];then
rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin -r /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPan1
rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
Then put:
nohup idesk > /dev/null &
====Setting your background====
Here is an example this the file i want to make into my background "/root/Background/text-wide-wallpaper.jpg"
Background.File: text-wide-wallpaper.jpg
Background.Mode: Stretch
The "Background.Mode" available are "Mirror" "Tile" "Center" "Scale" "Fit" "Stretch".
Note Stretch is actually tiled. it is the default.
The default transparency of icons is:
Transparency: 100
If you have a bright background, you might want to reduce the value. Transparency is between 0(no glow effect) and 255 (invisible without a mouseover).
The glow effect is done by making the transparency 0 while the mouse is over the icon.
====Configuring the behavior====
You can add weight and height to change the default size. Make bigger/smaller icons.
==Installing idesk==
==Setting your background==
Here is an example
Background.File: /root/Background/text-wide-wallpaper.jpg
Background.Mode: Tile
The "Background.Mode" available are "Mirror" "Tile" "Center" "Scale" "Fit". Please comment if you know of any others.
For background mode you can also
==Configuring the behavior==
You can add weight and height to change the default size

Revision [13548]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-03-20 16:31:37 by r1tz
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