Revision history for lxpup

Revision [31278]

Last edited on 2016-08-27 21:19:17 by darkcity [CategoryLXDE]

Revision [30022]

Edited on 2014-03-31 15:56:59 by peebee [CategoryLXDE]
~[[ LxPup14.03 download thread]]
~[[ Jejy69's LxPup homepage]]
~[[ LxPup13.11 download thread]]
~[[ LxPup homepage]]

Revision [30021]

Edited on 2014-03-31 15:53:03 by peebee [updated to LxPup14.03]
==Version 14.03==
~""LxPup14.03"" uses the components from [[LxPup-by-SFS]] added onto the [[Slacko57|Slacko5.7]] base using the [[Woofy0.91]] and [[Edit-Initrdgz-1.4]] tools.
~[[ LxPup14.03 download thread]]
==Version 13.11==
~""LxPup13.11"" uses the components from [[LxPup-by-SFS]] added onto the [[Slacko56|Slacko5.6]] base using the [[Woofy0.91]] and [[Edit-Initrdgz-1.4]] tools.
~[[ LxPup13.11 download thread]]

Revision [29541]

Edited on 2013-11-18 17:46:42 by peebee [updated for LxPup13.11]
==Version 13.11==
~""LxPup13.11"" uses the components from [[LxPup-by-SFS]] added onto the [[Slacko56|Slacko5.6]] base using the [[Woofy0.91]] and [[Edit-Initrdgz-1.4]] tools.
~[[ LxPup13.11 download thread]]
~[[ LxPup13.11 download thread]]
~[[ LxPup project page (sourceforge)]] - [[peebee]]
~[[ LxPup project page (sourceforge)]] - [[Jejy69]]
==Version 13.10==
~""LxPup13.10"" uses the components from [[LxPup-by-SFS]] added onto the [[Slacko56|Slacko5.6]] base using the [[Woofy0.91]] and [[Edit-Initrdgz-1.4]] tools.
~[[ LxPup13.10 download thread]]
~[[ LxPup13.10 download thread]]
~[[ LxPup project page (sourceforge)]]
~[[ LxPup 5.5 using SFS package]] packaged by [[PeeBee]]

Revision [29143]

Edited on 2013-10-12 12:52:42 by darkcity [This version is created by [[PeeBee]].]
~It offers [[Openbox]] as it’s window manager, [[LxPanelX]] (a fork of [[LxPanel]]) as it’s panel manager and [[PCManFM]] as it’s file manager. This version is created by [[PeeBee]].
~It offers [[Openbox]] as it’s window manager, [[LxPanelX]] (a fork of [[LxPanel]]) as it’s panel manager and [[PCManFM]] as it’s file manager

Revision [29139]

Edited on 2013-10-12 12:49:42 by darkcity [{{include tonguesLxPup}}]
{{include tonguesLxPup}}

Revision [29136]

Edited on 2013-10-12 12:48:12 by darkcity [1310]
==Version 13.10==
~""LxPup13.10"" uses the components from [[LxPup-by-SFS]] added onto the [[Slacko56|Slacko5.6]] base using the [[Woofy0.91]] and [[Edit-Initrdgz-1.4]] tools.
~It offers [[Openbox]] as it’s window manager, [[LxPanelX]] (a fork of [[LxPanel]]) as it’s panel manager and [[PCManFM]] as it’s file manager
~{{image url="" link="" width="200" title="screenshot" alt="screenshot"}} {{image url="" link="" width="200" title="screenshot" alt="screenshot"}}
~LxPup is available as a complete Puppy version
~Versions by ""PeeBee"":
~[[ LxPup13.10 download thread]]
~Versions by ""Jejy69"":
~[[ LxPup 14 download page]] - beta?
~[[ LxPup 13.01 download page]]
~Alternately it is available as an SFS package for [[Slacko]], [[Precise]] and [[Upup|Upup-Raring]]:
~[[ LxPup 5.5 SFS package thread]]
~[[ LxPup13.10 download thread]]
~[[ LxPup homepage]]
~[[ LxPup project page (sourceforge)]]
~[[ Lxpup 14 final 7-20-2012 thread]] created by [[Jejy69]]
~[[ LxPup 5.5 using SFS package]] packaged by [[PeeBee]]
==Dead Links==
~{{image url="" link="" width="200"}}
~The ISO is available on the [[ Lxpup download page]].
~[[ Lxpup homepage]]
~[[ Lxpup thread]]
~[[ LxPup by SFS 5.5]]

Revision [28652]

Edited on 2013-08-30 14:57:47 by peebee [corrected iso download url]
~The ISO is available on the [[ Lxpup download page]].
~The ISO is available on the [[ Lxpup download page]].

Revision [27687]

Edited on 2013-06-04 12:38:57 by peebee [corrected iso download url]
~The ISO is available on the [[ Lxpup download page]].
~The ISO is available on the [[ Lxpup download page]].

Revision [27139]

Edited on 2013-04-14 08:48:58 by peebee [Link to LxPup by SFS added]
~[[ LxPup by SFS 5.5]]

Revision [25411]

Edited on 2012-12-24 05:48:31 by darkcity [Link to LxPup by SFS added]
~**Lxpup** is a lightweight distribution with versions based on [[Slacko]] by [[01micko]], and [[Precise]] from [[Barry Kauler|]]. The [[desktop environment|]] [[LXDE]] seems to be a good compromise between lightness, ease and more aesthetically pleasing. It was created by [[Jejy69]].
~This derivative is simply easier to use, lightweight, user-friendly, flexible. It will suit the old and the latest computers, thanks to kernel 3.1.10 and 3.2.29 with [[Precise]]. It has a base Slackware/Ubuntu, and therefore a large number of packages easily installable via [[PPM]].
~{{image url="" link="" width="200"}}
~The ISO is available on the [[ Lxpup download page]].
~[[ Lxpup homepage]]
~[[ Lxpup Journal]]
~[[ Lxpup thread]]
~**""ArchPup""** is very minimalistic Puppy Linux variant, built using Arch Linux packages. It comes with [[pacman]] installed and configured as default package manager. The [[WindowManager|window manager]] is [[OpenBox]].
~Archpup 12.12
~{{image url="" link="" width="200"}}
~//""ArchPup"" 12.12://
~~- Upgraded to latest Arch Linux packages from December 2012
~~(glibc-2.16, gcc-4.7.2, linux-3.6.8, xorg-server-1.13.0, mesa-9.0.1...)
~~- Moved squashfs-tools to main iso
~~- Added grub4dos config
~~- Fixed saving session on first reboot
~The ISO is available on the [[ Archpup 12.12 thread]]
~Also see [[ Harddrive/USB installation post]]
~[[ Archpup on Sourceforge]]
~[[ Archpup 12.12 thread]]
~[[ Archpup 12.12 thread on alt forum]] - includes [[Frisbee]] SFS
~[[ Archpup thread]]
~[[ SFS files tested with ArchPup]]
~[[ PuppyLinuxWorld youtube review]]

Revision [25407]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2012-12-24 05:33:37 by darkcity [Link to LxPup by SFS added]
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